Thursday, December 29, 2011

The World Famous Monkey Bread!

This is the best recipe to make with kids, brothers, boyfriends, college roommates etc.

Use Phillsbury Grands Buttermilk Biscuits.  DON'T SKIMP.
Cats are also a necessary ingredient.
 Mix cinnamon and sugar in a gallon sized ziploc bag.
Cut up the biscuits into quarters.
Drop the quartered biscuits into the bag and shake until coated.  Place into a well greased bundt pan.
 Melt a stick of butter.  Don't whine about fat. Use less if you want, but I'm telling you right now, it won't taste as good. Or be as ooey gooey.  Fat is flavor, every chef knows that.
(To cheat/ make with kids, microwave the butter until melted)
 Add the brown sugar and mix thoroughly. Add more brown sugar if it looks like it's still separated.
 Pour evenly over the cinnamon sugar coated biscuits.
 Pop in the oven.
 Let cool for a few minutes then invert onto a plate. Ignore my shabby workmanship. I didn't use enough PAM on my pan and pulled a piece off before I remembered that I had to take a picture still (I put it back to take the picture).

2 rolls of Pillsbury buttermilk biscuits
1/2-3/4 cup white sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
3/4-1 stick butter
3/4 cup brown sugar

Preheat oven to 375.
Cut biscuits into quarters.
Mix white sugar and cinnamon into a gallon sized ziploc bag.
Place cut biscuits in the bag with the cinnamon sugar mixture. 
Shake until the biscuits are fully covered.
Place biscuit chunks in a well greased bundt pan. 
Melt the butter in a small saucepan.
Add brown sugar gradually while stirring until well mixed.
Remove from stovetop.
Pour evenly over the biscuit chunks.
Bake for about 20-25 minutes.

Happy Holidays!



Lucky ("Fatty"):


And Leon!:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pitty Friday

This week I got to meet Bennet!

This poor little boy is just getting over a case of mange that was caused by a stressful change in fosters. It's  not contagious and nearly gone which is great for this pup!

Bennet's a little less than a year old and working on basic commands and focusing on his foster mom in distracting situation.  He's the kind of dog who needs a slow introduction into a new home but once he's comfortable, he loves everyone around him, including his four (!) other foster siblings.

Our honorary pitbull Lilly was in attendance too:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Flower Pitties

Yesterday I had an interesting opportunity to attend Petapalooza at the Armory in Rochester.  I got to act as lovely little Tulip's chauffeur in her pretty pink "Adopt me!" kerchief:
 Pretty Tulip also got to be the first of our pitties at the even to show off our fleece cape jacket.  Everyone kept saying how beautiful she was and wanted to know where to buy one.  She was such a trooper!
 I also got to spend some time with honorary Flower Pitty Lily, the chihuahua mix.
 Even though I don't really watch his show too often, and I don't really feel awed in the presence of celebrities, seeing Shorty from the show Pit Boss was pretty cool.  Even cooler was how calm and stoic his pitbull Hercules was.  Someone from Pitty Love even put a tiny puppy on his back to take a picture and he hardly even noticed.  What a great representation of the breed.
 On the way home Tulip was absolutely exhausted from trying to pull my arm out of its socket for six hours to go give everyone kisses and jump in their lap.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pitty Night

Unfortunately the plans for me to pick up Cinnamon and Declan didn't work out tonight.  Instead, I got to spend most of my night with this sweet little boy:
 This is Salvador! He's only about half a year old and the biggest sweetheart.  
 My camera kind of freaked him out a little but he was still curious. After a while he just laid down and relaxed.  He was such a good boy.
 I also got to hang out with this tiny little guy:
His name is Higgins and he's still just a baby at 11 weeks old.  I know he'll be out of here soon.

 And last but not least, Tulip, being a big snuggle bug.

Cheese squares

I have no idea where this recipe came from, I just made it one day and everyone loved it and now I get requests for it for family occasions.  I've never really eaten much of it, but every one seems to enjoy it.

For the purpose of this little instructive aid I had to make it with two 8x8 inch pans instead of a 9x13, which would have really worked a lot better.  Also, I'm a cheap college student and made the mistake of buying off brand crescent rolls instead of Pillsbury. Let me just say one thing, don't make the same mistake I did.  There's a reason that the Pillsbury rolls are twice as expensive, they're at least four times as good.  The ones I bought were thin, funnily shaped, and hardly rose at all when I baked them.
Anyway, take one package of crescent rolls and spread it along the bottom of the pan. Then bake in a 350 degree oven until light brown, about ten minutes.  (hate yourself for buying cheap crescent rolls)
Place both packages of cream cheese in a mixer.
 Add the sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and egg yolk.
Mix well. :) 
 Spread evenly over your baked dough. Yours should reach the edges, mine didn't cause my crescent rolls sucked, but it didn't end up mattering all that much in the end.
 Put the second package of crescent rolls on top.
 Hate yourself again for buying shitty crescent rolls as they fall apart and don't reach all the way to the edge.
 Sprinkle brown sugar on top and place back in the oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
 Remove from oven. Allow to cool a little before cutting.
 Try to prevent this from happening haha.

2 packages Crescent Rolls
2 8 oz. Pkg Cream Cheese
1 Cup Sugar
1 Tsp Vanilla
3 Tsp Lemon Juice
1 Egg Yolk
Sugar / Cinnamon Mix

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Spread 1 package of crescent rolls in 9 x 13 baking dish. 
Bake until light brown and remove from oven, approximately 10 minutes.
Mix cream cheese, sugar,vanilla, lemon juice and egg yolk.
Pour mix on top of baked crescent roll.  Top with second package of crescent rolls. 
Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
Bake approximately 25 minutes or until brown. Let cool before slicing.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Coming soon....

Monkey bread! And possibly others.  Leave me a comment on any desserts you would like to have the recipe for.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pit Bull Pickup

Every Friday Pitty Love Rescue, the pit bull rescue group that I volunteer for, holds an adoption event at the Petco in Greece, NY.  This weekend I have the lovely privilege of picking up two of our foster pups.  The first is Cinnamon. Just look at those eyes!
 Cinnamon is about one year old, and has been with us for a good portion of her life.  She is (believe it or not) a pit bull/ chihuahua mix)! She's the perfect medium between these two breeds.  Only about twenty five pounds, and with the cutest stumpy legs, she loves to cuddle with her foster mom and her foster brother Declan.  She's good with other dogs, cats, and children and would love to have a family to call her own.
The other little bundle of joy that I get to transport this Friday is Declan! This poor baby was sick with Parvo for a while but is feeling great now.  
 At 4 months old, he's only 15 pounds so far, but we don't think he'll get over 60 pounds tops when he's full grown. This beautiful boy is great with other dogs, cats, and even small children. Just look at those markings! I'm surprised we've had him as long as we have.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Toffee Nuts, a.k.a. "NYC Street Nuts"

If you've never had the opportunity to try the nuts that the street vendors of NYC sell you are severely missing out on a wonderful taste experience.  If you have tried them, you're probably hopelessly addicted like the rest of my family and finish the tiny bag they come in within ten minutes of purchasing them from the questionable man at the street cart.  These nuts are deceptively easy and only consist of three ingredients and take less than fifteen minutes to make.  They also make a perfect gift for the holidays, or throughout the year for a generous hostess.  
Here's my first food tutorial.  Feedback is greatly appreciated.  
Good luck!

Pour two cups of your nut of choice (or a mix) into a large skillet.
Add one cup sugar.

Then add 1/3 cup water.

Stir the mixture at a medium temperature.  If it's bubbling, you're doing it right.  

Keep stirring until it really starts to bubble.

Keep heating and stirring until it the sugar resembles wet sand, almost gritty.

Turn down the heat and keep stirring until they look how you would like them too.  The longer they remain in the pan, the glassier looking the finished product will be. Once the nuts look how you would like them to, add the seasoning.  Cinnamon and other such seasonings can burn quickly, so add them only at the end and watch for smoke.  If it does start to smoke, just remove the pan from the heat and keep stirring.

Remove from heat and pour on a baking sheet to cool.

Here are two different versions of how your nuts could turn out.

2 cups raw nuts
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
cinnamon or other seasoning (optional)

1.  Pour nuts, sugar and water in a large skillet.
2.  Cook at a medium temperature, stirring frequently. 
3.  When the sugar mixture becomes gritty and resembles 
wet sand, continue stirring but turn down the heat a bit.
4.  Continue stirring until the desired texture is achieved.
5.  Add optional seasoning. If the nuts begin to smoke, remove
from heat and stir vigorously.
6.  Remove from heat and spread on a cookie sheet.