Sunday, April 29, 2012

Zeppelin, a.k.a. the dog formerly known as "Snoop" ADOPTED

Seems like I've been falling in love with a lot of dark colored mature male pits lately. First Debo, and now Zeppelin.  Zep is the sweetest boy.  He's at least seven years old and seems to not be in excellent shape physically.  He's clearly underweight and has some sort of skin condition going on. This poor boy was all itchy and uncomfortable in his own skin despite us having him in our care for a few weeks.  

Today was his first day in training.  He did really well, considering we were teaching him a completely different name from what he has been used to for the last seven years.  His name used to be "Snoop," which I think is hilarious, especially when you look into his big sweet face.  The whole drive to training I had "Snoop Dog, Baby" by Reel Big Fish stuck in my head.

Anyway, Zep did a good job starting to learn his new name and was starting to respond to it more by the end of our hour long training session. We played a lot of the "name game" which consists of immediately giving him a treat when I say his name. Basically rewarding him for hearing his new name.  He didn't have to react or anything, just hear his name and eat his treat.  Then we took him outside to continue his training with a few more distractions.  At first he was dragging me all over the place. He may be underweight, but boy is he powerful. Luckily he's just a big mush who wanted to sniff everything and was completely unreactive to the other dogs, even when they were getting overexcited.  

By the end of training he was walking fantastically on the leash, not dragging me at all.  He followed me like a little lamb and automatically sat and stared at me when we stopped moving! I was happily surprised.  If this is how much he can learn in just an hour I can't wait to see where he will be in a few weeks. 

Unfortunately I think this is the last time this semester that I'll be able to work with Pitty Love because I have to go back home soon.  Hopefully all my favorite dogs will be gone by the time I get back! My absolute favorite dog Oreo already got adopted which was kind of bittersweet for me, but I'm glad he got a good home.

See Zeppelin's page HERE!!!!
Zeppelin has since been adopted!

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