Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Adoption Spotlight: Dashing Debo! ADOPTED

Oh Debo, how my heart bursts with affection for you! 
This giant meat-head is the most ridiculously affectionate dog I think I've ever met.  Admittedly, he looks a little intimidating at first (although you can't tell that in these pictures). Even me, being the pit lover that I am was a little intimidated when I first walked up to him and saw that enormous pitty grin:

It seems silly now that I've met him, but that grin looks like it could absolutely swallow you up! Debo instantly showed me how wrong that thought was:

Debo is absolutely the biggest mush I have ever met.  It took a lot of patience and blurry pictures to get some good ones of him because all he wanted to do was be right up in your face being loved. And yes, there are a ton of pictures of him because I just couldn't help but love that gorgeous face!

If Debo's heart is half the size of his head I'm sure he'll be the most loving dog in the world. 

He's also a huge goof.  

I think belly rubs are his absolute favorite. He stayed like this for about ten minutes straight and would flop over to get a tummy rub if someone even started to walk towards him:

Some of the smaller puppies didn't quite know what to think of him, but all Debo wanted to do was be best friends.  Even with such an imposing presence, this boy managed to win over the hearts of everyone that was there.

If I was able to adopt a dog, Debo would probably be at the top of my list.  You've never met a more kindhearted and friendly dog.  All he wants to do is be part of a family again. Can you find a place for his giant head in your family?

Debo has since been adopted!

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