Monday, September 24, 2012

Adoption Spotlight: Misha and Marco

Okay, I've been really bad lately with updating this blog, especially from the pitty  side of things.
At least I have good reasons for it though. This summer I went back to my job from last summer at the vets office and managed to get a 40 hour work week. Plus I was taking a calculus class at night so there wasn't much time for baking or anything fun. 
And now that I'm back in school! But I've been ridiculously busy because I'm trying to start a new club on campus that's all about animal community service. We're going to be working with Pitty Love Rescue to help fundraise as well as with the big local shelter here.

Anyway, I don't want to bore you with my personal life, so on to the dogs.

The first pup I'll be spotlighting this week is the marvelous Misha.  Misha has been with us for longer than I would like. She is an absolute love. She's way more curious now than when she first came to us. Now she loves the camera and wants to stick her cute little nose in it.
Her beautiful orange/ tawny coloring comes out wonderfully in her pictures. I also am absolutely in love with her worried little face. She always looks concerned about something, like she's pondering the problems of the world.

Long story short, Misha is an awesome petite little girl.  We also think that she would do great in agility classes at some point because she is so athletically built and svelte.  Misha would probably do better in a house with out kitties but seems fine with kids.

She also loves to make silly faces:

Marco is a 4 month old, absolute ham as you can see. He was part of a litter that came to Pitty Love at 4 weeks old. He now lives with one of our board members with her daughter and is good with other dogs and cats.  

  He can be a puppy at times though and loves to run head first into play, which not all other dogs are comfortable with.  From what I've heard, Marco just loves to play and cuddle and be around people at home. I think he would make a wonderful addition to almost any family! I love spending time with him at adoption events because he such a comical little puppy. He loves his squeaky hamburger and didn't want to let Misha play with any of his toys. He is also really inquisitive and loves to explore all over the Petco that we hold our events at. And when he's not allowed to do what he wants he just flops down on the floor and gives you the most fed up little look.

He's also a total goofball: 

Marco also makes the most ridiculous faces sometimes. 
Looks like he's saying "you want to adopt me right? *wink* *wink*"

As per one of our experienced fosters: "while Marco is a sweet puppy, he is very assertive and will need a family who is dog savvy. Marco will need to keep up with his training in order to maintain his wonderful temperament!"

See Misha's adoption page HERE!
See Marco's adoption page HERE!
Marco has since been adopted!

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